Living Yoga off the Mat: Yamas + Niyamas Online Study Group
Using Deborah Adele's Yamas and Niyamas as a guide, we will explore together how yoga is not just something we do on the mat, but a way of living out in our daily lives. Discussing principles such as Ahimsa (non-violence) and Santosha (contentment), we will be meeting virtually once a week over the course of 11 weeks and devote time to studying each of yoga's 10 ethical guideposts.
Cohort meets weekly over Zoom led by therapeutic yoga specialist Katherine Hanson. Registration is intentionally limited to allow for an intimate group experience. Yoga Alliance continuing education credits available. Once your registration is completed, Katherine will reach out to the group with Zoom meeting information.
Required materials: The Yamas + Niyamas by Deborah Adele